We deliver deeper insight into mineral deposit architecture by using Structural Vectoring and pattern recognition methods to extract structural information and build 3D models that allow clients to most efficiently understand their mineral bodies, expediting key decisions more confidently.
3D Structural Analysis of Targets and Deposits
High-grade zones of mineral bodies or ore shoots add significant value to mining operations. Through Ore Deposit Structural Analysis, we identify and characterize high-grade zones within a mineral body, including their distribution, shape and orientation. In addition, we use modern pattern recognition methods to help unravel potential directions of ore shoots (Vektore’s Point Cloud Deletion© method) in conjunction with structural logging and geological mapping. We bring this approach to its full potential by employing various techniques that we have developed, including Target Architecture Modeling© (TAM) and methods incorporated in the Ore.node software. The deposit model is further integrated with TAM-Extrapolation© to provide a basis for regional exploration. Vektore shares with clients its extensive expertise in conducting structural studies focused on domain analysis and its characterization, while integrating structure and grade distribution patterns to better understand such vital grade-associated geometries.