Vektore licenses in-house technology to allow clients to carry out the tasks and activities devised by Vektore after the deployment has been completed, by following our comprehensive best practices for core orientation QAQC and structural data extraction. We have been continuously developing new and effective tools and methods focusing on core orientation and structural data extraction at the core logging stage.
Technology Deployment New
We bring our own new and effective tools and methods in addition to providing services to our clients; this is a significant contrast to other industry service providers. Our technology development addresses critical industry pain points, making us capable of providing unique and significant solutions to our clients.
As part of the deployment and licensing process, Vektore geologists will visit the client’s project and carry out the following tasks:
- Review current processes associated with core orientation tasks and records during a visit to the drilling site. We will then propose the necessary improvements, providing additional tools/tasks to ensure not only that the core orientation is properly finalized but also that good communication between drillers and geologists is achieved by the deployment of appropriate key forms.
- Work with geologist and technicians at the core shack to make sure the reference line is properly drawn on the oriented core interval following Vektore’s best practices. In addition, we will make sure the geologists and technicians are qualified to complete the Reference Line Log, a critical task used to obtain all corrections and calibrations necessary to produce reliable structural data.
- Provide training on Structural Vectoring, and along with the Client’s project geologists, will jointly characterize and classify the mineralization-related and architecture-related features present on core and devise a data extraction strategy. Vektore will deliver project insights to geologists on structural features present in the core and will help devise a structural paragenetic sequence so the local geologists can use it as a template
- Provide training on structural logging and basic training for the Ore.node software
- Design a workflow template for general and structural logging to be used with the Ore.node software while logging